Earth Mama Baby Wash & Body Wash: A Field Guide

Simply Non-Scents Castile Baby Wash: Earth Mama Castile Soap: Natural Body Wash and Soap for Sensitive Skin

Here’s something you might not know about Earth Mama’s Baby Wash and Body Wash: It’s real castile soap that’s safe and effective for everyone, not just babies (and bodies)!

Why choose this natural body wash and baby wash, you ask? It’s real castile soap (and not detergent, which most washes are), which means it’s the perfect choice if you’re looking for a soap for sensitive skin. That’s because it’s chosen by hospital NICUs for the most delicate baby skin.

And we’re not even exaggerating on how multi-use this soap is. Try it on:

- Babies and bodies of all ages
- Hands! Yes, it’s a great hand soap.
- A safe ingredient for your DIY housecleaner, make-up brush cleaner, even a fruit and veggie wash.
- Pets
- And a whole lot more!

With that in mind, here’s why you’ll want to be sure to stock up on Earth Mama’s Baby Wash and Body Wash (aka real castile soap).

Ecological Role: Foaming castile soap to clean hands, house, and the whole family.

Code Name: Seriously Sudsy Superhero. Who else do you call to wash little hands, big feet - and easy peasy DIY household cleaners for daily messes?

Habitat: Note the 3 distinct sizes to find their fave hiding places:
Mini (1.67 fl oz) has wanderlust. No matter if it's a day out in the diaper bag or jetsetting to Spain, as long as she gets to travel.
Mezzo (5.3 fl oz) enjoys sitting beside the sink for handwashing and the tub for people washing.
Big Mama (34 fl oz) is at home anywhere. But her top choice is the peace & quiet of a cabinet, only brought out to refill one of the youngsters.

Interesting Fact: Shocking, we know, but some people swear this foamy fun is just for babies. We know better, right?

So, whether you’re looking for a natural body wash for your family, a soap for sensitive skin, or you’re just a castile soap fan, we’ve got exactly what you’ve been looking for, in four fabulous scents: Sweet Orange, Calming Lavender, Ginger Fresh (Body Wash only), and Simply Non-Scents, which is truly unscented. Happy washing!

Simply Non-Scents Castile Baby Wash: Soap for Sensitive Skin and Natural Body Wash: Earth Mama Castile Soap
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